
Lauren Perkins Official Author Picture
Lauren Perkins |
With Christmas closer than you think, if you haven't got your party band booked already, don't worry; our expert team are on hand to help you with any last-minute Christmas entertainment. Take a look at our list for a little inspiration, but make…
Scott Skerritt
Scott Skerritt |
For many, the Christmas party is one of the highlights of the corporate calendar, and an amazing theme can give it another level. In this blog, we set out 12 fun themes.
Joe Burton Official Author Picture
Joe Burton |
With summer packed full of festivals up and down the country, we have compiled a list of our top entertainers to add to your festival lineup!  
Megan Lupton Official Author Picture
Megan Lupton |
With the next University year fast approaching, now is the time to hire entertainment for Freshers Week! From coffee house acoustic sets to large-scale nightclub events, there are several exciting options for Freshers events organisers – discover…