Annabel Marlow is a talented singer, actress and comedian who rose to prominence with her debut role as Katherine Howard in Six, a sensational musical theatre performance based on Henry VIII's six wives. Bringing widespread attention to the small but revolutionary theatrical show with her spectacular performance at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2017, Annabel made her mark in the industry at an early age.
Despite her exceptional raw talent and early success, Annabel decided to hone her craft at drama school. Over the past few years, she attended the National Youth Theatre, the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts and The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, where she earned an MA in Contemporary Acting.
Combining her industry experience with her classical training and life experiences, Annabel has now embarked on a solo comedy career. She recently launched her debut comedy show, Is This Okay, at the Edinburgh Fringe. The show features perfect singing, original music, and lots of cool vibes, as well as grappling with prevalent themes, including overthinking, love, and graphic designers. A rapidly emerging talent in the comedy circuit, look out for Annabel Marlow!