If you are looking for an impersonator to promote your goods at product launches, rouse your crowd at corporate events, provide announcements at award ceremonies or surprise as part of a PR stunt, Graham is the man with the plan. With Brexit looming large on the agenda and Jeremy Corbyn fanfare reaching fever pitch, the politician has become an unlikely celebrity. His novel antics and passionate personality have seen him gain affection in the student community. Like many other top impersonators, Graham is able to provide a satirical view on current affairs and is a master of mimicry at the front line of Corbyn-mania. This is not about politics, this Jeremy Corbyn lookalike is there to make a splash.
Like other political lookalikes; the likes of Donald Trump and Theresa May, these political figures are influencing society and popular culture in a major way. Retailers like Harvey Nichols have taken advantage of his likeness to the politician and used him to further their brand awareness. The lookalike joined Black Lace and other lookalikes to film a re-release of their hit song 'Agadoo' outside Westminster. The video proved to be a success and showcased the fun that the band were famous for. Graham showed off his enviable dance moves when he 'dad danced' with the popular 80s band. He has been pictured eating ice cream, travelling on trams, driving Mini Coopers, playing golf for corporate clients and doing work for Shutterstock images.
Encapsulating the same mannerisms as the political leader, he dresses in the same famous get-up and has the beard and glasses often associated with the labour party frontman. Graham is often stopped in the street by people believing he is Jeremy Corbyn and he was even pictured alongside the man himself, resulting in an image of the two looking like identical twins. He has left members of the public and politicians scratching their heads for some time and is able to do the same at your event.