Spelmann by name, Spelmann by nature. Marc Spelmann is one of the most magical illusionists available to book, whose powers include bringing the paranormal to life. In 2018, Marc first hit our screens. His audition on Britain's Got Talent had the judge's jaws agape and the audience on the edge of their seats. As a child, Marc was obsessed with magic. He had an eye for how tricks were engineered from just watching them on television, alluding to his natural flair for magic. From the age of seven, he performed magic acts for his family and friends, fine-tuning his skill in sleight of hand and illusion.
Spurred on by his late godfather, he entered the London magic scene. To Marc, there is more to magic than trick wands and hidden ribbon, he believes that magic is all around us, so has dedicated his life to opening the eyes of his audience. Marc returned to magic in 2018, when he entered Britain's Got Talent. His audition has been viewed hundreds of millions of times online, and earned him a standing ovation from judges and audiences alike. Following a golden buzzer from the hosts, Ant and Dec, Marc narrowly missed out on a place in the final.
But his magical journey was far from over. In 2019, Marc returned to Britain's Got Talent, but not as you might think. Donning a white mask and a black jacket, he embraced the persona "X", a mysterious and highly talented illusionist whose entire act was surrounded by one idea - hope. Upon revealing himself as Marc, X blew the judges away, who rose quickly from their seats when they realised his true identity. Whether appearing as X or Marc, your guests will be enchanted by this magician. Marc is more than qualified to appear as a close-up magician, after-dinner entertainment, stage performer, keynote speaker or a consultant for onscreen magic. He specialises in The Room Of Secrets, a unique experience for your guests behind closed doors.