Kevin and Tony began their musical journey as teenagers in Irish showbands during the late 1970s. By their early twenties, they were performing as a folk-country duo, touring coast to coast across the United States. Despite receiving offers to go professional, both chose to pursue corporate careers, leaving their music aspirations on hold for over three decades while they raised families.
In 2017, Kevin’s renewed passion for songwriting brought the pair back together, marking the rebirth of their musical collaboration under the name The County Affair. This reunion sparked a series of creative milestones, including a chance encounter with producer Tom Nichols, who invited them to record their debut album, Off The Grid, at the iconic Abbey Road Studios. The album’s success included standout singles like "Every Ghost" and "Nashville Storm Warning," leading to sold-out shows and a nationwide tour supporting Ward Thomas.
Building on this momentum, the band released their second album, Two Days’ Drive, in early 2023, followed by a trip to Nashville for songwriting collaborations and live performances. Now, in 2024, The County Affair is set to take the stage alongside Clearwater Creedence Revival on their UK tour, continuing their journey of blending heartfelt lyrics with authentic Americana sounds.