A talented rock showband, with a theatrical edge, The Vampirettes journey into the realms of the undead began when 60's girl band The Wandettes disappeared, along with their mysterious manager, Rafe Tuson, after boarding a plane for their first tour. There was talk of the Bermuda Triangle, and strange forces afoot, but quite simply, the band had vanished.
Fast-forward to 2020 and amid tales of strange happenings, mysterious sightings and general shenanigans, The Vampirettes emerged from the crypt. Who knows what kind of journey the girls had been on, they aren’t telling and may not even know, but the Wandettes have been reincarnated as the Vampirettes and are hell-bent on making up for the lost time. There are few that are bold or brave enough to book a bunch of vampires for a show – the Health & Safety paperwork alone would be a nightmare – but nonetheless, the band metamorphosed at live venues in time for Halloween. It is quite possible that many of the audience did not realise the risks they face being in the presence of real vampires, but they'd been well fed before the show so the risk was minimal.
Think Shangri-las meet Motorhead and you’re on the right side of the crypt, there might even be a special guest appearance by the Grim Reaper himself. Don’t let the fact that the Vampirettes are fully-fledged vampires stop you from booking them for a show. Treat them right, ply them with food and drink and they will reward you. Just don’t offer them a Bloody Mary, they may get the wrong idea!
Are you ready for love at first bite? Book the Vampirettes for a night you will never forget!'