This extraordinary secondary school teacher from West Sussex began singing at an early age, inspired by legends such as Elton John and Michael Ball. His mother first noticed his talent during the journey from school as they sang along to Les Misérables. However, despite signing for multiple charities and having exceptional talent, Tom never took any serious steps to make a career out of singing, that is until he auditioned for Britain’s Got Talent.
After graduating from university, Tom decided to become a secondary school teacher. Not telling his students, he secretly auditioned for BGT, a step that would change his life forever. In his audition, he sang On The Wall by the Oscar-winning star Sam Smith, in the process he stunned the audience and the judges. So impressed by his performance, everyone without exception in the auditorium gave him a standing ovation and he succeed in receiving supporting votes from all four judges.
Tom narrowly missed out on winning in the final, making it to third place. Although he did not win the competition, he succeeded in winning the hearts of the nation. The judges complimented his pitch-perfect rendition of I Who Have Nothing and the whole nation has now acknowledged Tom's extraordinary talent.