Louisa Marie is a spiritualist and psychic medium who draws on spiritual guides to show and tell audiences message from the beyond. She is ideal as something different for corporate events, private functions, pubs, cruise ship entertainment and other events, bringing an esoteric experience to audiences across the country.
A member of The International Church and Healing Fellowship, Louisa Marie first found an interest in spiritualism after working with renowned medium Janet Parker. She is also part of The Spiritualist National Union and was mentored by Tony Stockwell. Since then, Louisa Marie has gone on to amaze and delight people from all walks of life who want a sitting or reading that gives them some fresh insight into their lives. She is also currently working towards a Platform Accreditation with the SNU.
Louisa has a wealth of experience with over 25 years as a psychic medium. Adept at reading people with or without a pendulum, tarot cards, angel cards or crystal ball, she has mastered several forms of esoteric reading. She travels the UK demonstrating her innate abilities at Spiritualist churches, private events and corporate dinners providing reassurance and comfort to bereaved people.
Louisa’s passion is second to none and it feeds her strong belief in how it should be seen as an evidential medium. Her popularity and revered status have seen her appear on Sky TV and radio. She is also an accomplished writer and has contributed to publications like Silent Voices, Chat Its Fate and Psychic News.
Louisa’s demonstration can be booked as a stage act for larger audiences or as a private one-on-one sitting. This versatility makes her perfect for a wide range of events and she can customise her sittings to include tools such as tarot cards, pendulums, angel cards and crystal balls.
Louisa is a strong proponent of the esoteric arts and offers workshops to educate and help other mediums develop their own skills. Whether a practising medium or just an interested party, she is more than happy to share her talents and help others open themselves up to messages from another plain.
Louisa Marie is a well-respected clairvoyant, psychic medium and esoteric supporter with a demonstration that is ideal for all events. Her personable manner and years of experience set her apart from her peers and qualify her as the ideal entertainment for private and corporate events.