Indie Rock is a popular subgenre of Rock, originating back in the 1970s and 1980s. It was originally a term used to describe independent record labels, before moving to describe the style of music performed by many of history’s iconic bands and singers. Many of the UK’s most famous bands have specialised in the genre of Indie Rock music, such as Oasis, The Stone Roses and the Arctic Monkeys. A hit with audiences of all ages, our Indie Rock musicians are the perfect addition to rock festivals and as headline acts for festivals across the country. Book an Indie & Rock act with Champions Music & Entertainment today!
Indie & Rock
Hire Exciting Indie & Rock Acts Today
Indie Rock is a highly popular style of Rock music, which many of the most iconic bands throughout history have specialised in. From Oasis to The Stone Roses, this style of music was originally associated with independent record labels before being used to describe a style of Rock music. Our roster of Indie & Rock acts includes many of the biggest names in Indie Rock music, along with many talented tributes who pay homage to the original talent of famous bands and singers. If you are looking to hire an Indie Rock musician to perform at your next event, contact Champions Music & Entertainment today!
If you are looking for an Indie Rock musician for hire, look no further! Here at Champions Music & Entertainment, we have a selection of the finest Indie Rock bands and singers for hire, with an act to suit every event and budget. Whether you are looking for a band that will add that star appeal to your event, like The Hoosiers or Toploader, or a talented tribute band that will leave your audience wondering if the real artist is up on stage, such as Kaiser Monkey Killers, we guarantee there will be an Indie Rock act perfect for all events on our roster.
No matter the event, our Indie Rock musicians will raise the roof with their impeccable performances that make for unforgettable event entertainment.
Contact Champions Music & Entertainment to enquire about hiring an indie and rock band for your event. Get in touch by giving us a call on 0203 793 4042 or by emailing [email protected] now.